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GCSE Options Choices

Year 9 Options

During Year 10 and 11 students will study a range of GCSE subjects, some of these subjects are compulsory and for others, students will get some choice about what they want to study. During the spring term of Year 9, students are supported to make these choices about their future studies.  

In February parents of Year 9 students, will be invited to school for Options Evening and students will have an Options Assembly.  Here they will be given guidance about how to choose their GCSE options.    

Following this, the Year 9 Student and Parent Consultation Evening, will provide a good opportunity to discuss subject choices with teachers. 

Once students and parents have made the decision about options subjects, they should complete the options form which will be posted onto the ‘Parents’ section of the school website at the relevant time.

The GCSE Curriculum

At AGSB we aim to provide an ambitious Key Stage Four (KS4) Curriculum that promotes academic excellence through the study of a broad range of subjects.  The vast majority of AGSB students will go on to study A-level courses, followed by degree level qualifications; the KS4 curriculum has been developed with this in mind. All students will sit between 9 and 11 GCSEs by the end of Year 11.  To ensure that all our students study a sufficiently broad and academic curriculum, some examined subjects are compulsory. 

At AGSB we also encourage students to pursue their own individual interests and talents and with this in mind, we have tried to maximise student choice within the KS4 Curriculum.  As part of their options, students can select their language, decide if they want to prioritise the study of science or if they would prefer to pursue a greater variety of other interests in the arts, humanities or technology.

All students are entered for GCSEs in the following subjects:

A Language (Chinese, French, German, Latin or Spanish)
English Language
English Literature
Science (either Combined Science Trilogy or separate Sciences)*

* Students can choose to study the Combined Science Trilogy or separate sciences. If they choose the Combined Science Trilogy, this is equivalent to two GCSEs, and means they can choose three other subjects to study. If they choose separate sciences, this is equivalent to three GCSEs and means they can choose two other subjects to study.

In addition to the examined curriculum, students will also study a range of compulsory non-examined subjects.  This non-examined curriculum equips students with the skills and knowledge to leave school as responsible and well-rounded students who are ready for the next phase of their education. 

All students study, but are not examined in the following subjects:

Physical Education**
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education              
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics ***                                               

**Students in top set Physical Education, will sit the GCSE at the end of Year 10, other students study a non-examined course. 

*** Students will study Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, as part of this they will be entered for the Northeastern University London School Certificate in Philosophy, this is a coursework based qualification which is worth just under half of a GCSE.  

In addition to the subjects listed above, students can choose either two or three additional GCSE subjects (depending on their Science choice*). 

Options Subjects
  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Chinese
  • Computer Science
  • Design and Technology
  • Electronics
  • French
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • German
  • History
  • Latin
  • Music
  • Spanish

We do not allow students to study both Business Studies and Economics, nor do we allow them to study both Design and Technology and Electronics.  Students are able to study any other combination of subjects.

GCSE Additional Challenge

Set 1 and 2 mathematicians (half of the year group) are entered for a further mathematics qualification in addition to the mathematics GCSE. 

The two top set Physical Education classes study for their GCSE in Year 9 and 10 and are entered for their GCSE in Physical Education at the end of Year 10.

Useful information

Heads of Department have produced some short videos to inform students about the GCSE courses.  They can be found here.

Detailed information about the GCSE courses can be found in the Academic Subjects section of the school website.