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PFA Great Big Grammar School Ball

This event will take place between 7:00pm and 11:30pm on 25/11/2023

Location: The Marquee Room

We are delighted to announce that for the first time, AGSB PFA and AGGS PTA are joining together to hold a joint 'Great Big Grammar School Ball' on Saturday 25th November 2023, at Bowdon Rugby Club.

Tickets are now on sale and available to buy via ParentPay.

You will be able to buy tickets individually/as couples and we will seat you will other Parents and Carers from your son's year group, wherever possible.

There will be an 'early bird purchase' ticket price of £45 per person, including a welcome drink, 3 course meal (catering for all dietary requirements), and entertainment.

This will be valid on all tickets purchased before the 8th October 2023.

After that, the ticket price will return to full price of £55, subject to availability.

Currently, there are 100 tickets allocated to AGSB and a maximum of 12 tickets (one table) can be bought by any single parent.

The Ball is for Parents, Carers and their friends of both of our lovely schools, as well as staff (not for students).

We are expecting a high demand, so please book your tickets as soon as possible.

Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

All profits from this event will be split equally between the two School's PFA's.

It would be great to see many of you there!